Thursday, May 26, 2011

Productivity in the Church that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen (1 Pet 4:11).

One of my favorite blogs is What's Best Next by Matt Perman, a director at DesiringGod (you would be well-served to save it for your reader). Today, in a guest post, Loren Pinilis gets to the heart of ministry in the local church... and in a really convicting way.

In Church Productivity: Organizational Effectiveness and Not Personal Effectiveness, I believe Pinilis identifies the center of the New Testament teaching on "gifts," contrary to what may be wide-spread misunderstanding as to their purpose and function.
“Having a heart” for a particular area of ministry is a signpost pointing you to an area where you may be the most productive. Passions are often God’s way of showing you how you can contribute to the greatest organizational effectiveness of the church.

But the performance of the body is the final measure of success — not our fulfillment. Not our individual accomplishments.

If the pursuit of our lives is to bring God glory, let’s make sure we’re doing it in a way that honors him and his body. Let’s do what will help the church the most — asking first “what needs to be done,” rather than simply “what would I like to do.”
Read the rest of this post here.

By asking what God has graciously enabled ("gifted") me to address in my local church - more often than what would I prefer to do for personal fulfillment - we get much closer to a biblically "productive" church and, even more, to Him being glorified in all things through our Lord Jesus Christ.

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