Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Resources for Remembering the Reformation

Celebrating the Reformation is a great way to celebrate the matters of "first importance" (1 Cor 15:3-5). So, in "Remembering the Reformation: Always Reforming" this past Lord's Day, we discussed the early ministry of Martin Luther and surveyed the ongoing relevance of the Reformation's solas.

For further (and admittedly better) resources on the Reformation see:
  • Here I Stand. Links to documentaries on Martin Luther by Justin Taylor.
  • Crash Course in Reformation History. Links to Stephen Nichols' teaching. (NB, Nichols is the church historian for the everyman-Christian. I have found him to be consistently accurate, articulate, and - most important - understandable! If you struggle with comprehending the events and teaching of our Christian heritage, Nichols is your guy).
  • Table Talk: The Reformation. Brief, but beneficial interview with Mark Dever on the on-going relevance of the Reformation for every Christian.
And then there is the "Reformation Polka, which is inexcusably silly, but nevertheless worth 3 minutes of your time (HT: RSM).

Semper Reformanda!

Update: For further study of the Reformation in brief and readable books, please see:


  1. Hi Steve,

    Kirsten Birkett's book is worth a look:


  2. Good catch, Gordon, thank you. The post has been accordingly updated. It would be most unReformational to ignore the products of the printing press!
