The more we hear from Sinclair Ferguson, the more we appreciate his incisive
It's amazing, isn't it, how many people will despise the inerrancy of Scripture who don't actually read the Scripture? And if you challenge them just on that simple point, then what lies behind their resistance to the inerrancy of Scripture is their resistance to the inerrancy of God at the end of the day.That is not only insightful, it is helpful. People (even professing Christians) resist inerrancy because they know exactly what it implies - the clear authority of God over their lives. In other words, when you hold to "errancy," you get what every sinner ultimately desires - vague religious sentiments that allow you to fashion a deity who affirms your own (sinful) desires.
This should be in the back of our minds as we contend for inerrancy; it is ultimately about God Himself, and therefore, the Gospel. People resist an inerrant Bible, because they reject the authority of the God who has breathed-out the Bible in truth. Fortunately, we know a Savior who has come and risen to reconcile them to the inerrant God they resist.
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