Well, what can we say... it's been awhile. Partly due to the demands at work, including substantial international travel. Partly due to other ministry opportunities that have arisen and required time. And partly due to a semi-intentional "media fast" to spend more time growing in orthodoxy and orthopraxy, rather than in the Technopoly. So, although all five of our readers have probably moved on to greener blogstures, we figured today would be a good day to relaunch our meager effort in considering the therefore of God's sovereign grace.
All of America (and most of the world) will be watching today's election with anxious anticipation long into the night. As is apparent to all but the most obtuse, if the candidate from the Democrat party becomes the next President, Christians may face a loss of the freedoms that we have hitherto taken for granted. So, for American Christians, this campaign season has brought no shortage of frustrations and fears. Yet, as it climaxes in today's election, we who serve the sovereign Christ also have an opportunity for faith... for a better country (No, not this one).
As we are exhorted to persevere with faith in the only Savior by Hebrews (see 10:35-39), we are given examples of such faith in chapter 11. These saints of old persevered in faith through great suffering without (and here's the point) any visible confirmations of their faith, that is, "without receiving the promises" (11:13).
From this significant text, Mr. Edwards has charged those who will hear,
Be persuaded to travel in the way that leads to heaven: viz. in holiness, self-denial, mortification, obedience to all the commands of God, following Christ’s example [and] in a way of a heavenly life, or imitation of the saints and angels in heaven. Let it be your daily work, from morning till night, and hold out in it to the end. Let nothing stop or discourage you, or turn you aside from this road. And let all other concerns be subordinated to this. Consider the reasons that have been mentioned why you should thus spend your life: that this world is not your abiding place, that the future world is to be your everlasting abode, and that the enjoyments and concerns of this world are given entirely in order to another.So, on the eve of what may be great political, economic, and social change in America, persevere in faith. Do not grow weary in praying for our country. Do not cease doing good for God's glory for our country. And, chiefly, do not desist from proclaiming the glories of Christ in the Gospel to our country. We have been called to live in this country by desiring a better one.
- Jonathan Edwards, The Christian Pilgrim, emphasis added.
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