As a matter of principle, however, we would like to remind one sundry acquaintence that we have, in fact, posted in 2009. It's right below.
Until further notice, some Calvinist Crossing...
Why Read Christian Biography?
We usually answer, "To remind us that other saints have been far more faithful to Christ in far worse circumstances than we face." Ms. Cook, however, offers some more articulate reasons: (1) a grand overview of the progress of the Christian church, (2) the development of a deeper appreciation of the basic principles and progress of the spiritual life, (3) the outworking of faith in the experiences of widely differing individuals, (4) the warnings it gives, the signposts along the way of dangers to be avoided, of pitfalls awaiting the unwary, (5) how to suffer rightly, and (6) tracing certain recurring principles and patterns of the activity of God.Is Arminianism Damnable Heresy?
A reminder to be kind to those Arminian brethren whose hearts are better than their heads.Myanmar Abusing Christian Chin Minority
It was not long ago that we sat having tea and encouraging these brethren in Yangon. Remember the prisoners... (Heb 13:3) ...I was in prison, and you came to Me (Matt 25:36)